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Knowing your Astigmatism Patients

Published on May 21, 2018
5 Minutes Read

People Living With Astigmatism

  • Astigmatism is more common than you may realize.
  • Most people are thought to have at least some degree of Astigmatism.
  • Although slight astigmatism doesn’t usually impact vision or require treatment, there are many patients who are living their lives in a blur.

Astigmatism Correction Obstacles 

Research conducted by Johnson & Johnson Vision Companies revealed a few key barriers in treating astigmatism patients with contact lenses.

Low levels of patient awareness about contact lenses for astigmatism were reported.

  • Many patients believe that when it comes to treating astigmatism, they have no other choice besides glasses.
  • Research also shows that patients are actually very interested in learning about contact lenses for astigmatism—once they know they’re an option. 

A disconnect between the patient and Eye Care Professional communication was found.

  • Patients want professional guidance about their options for correcting astigmatism.
  • Eye Care Professionals assume patients would inquire about contact lenses for astigmatism if they were interested.

Changing the Stigma 

By understanding a little bit more about the astigmatism-patient mindset, you can begin to re-think the way you approach your treatment process. Next time you’re faced with a patient who requires astigmatism correction, be sure to let them know that:

  • Glasses aren’t the only option for correcting astigmatism. Contacts are available, too.
  • Treating astigmatism with contacts can provide freedom and other benefits that glasses can’t.
  • They can switch off between glasses and contact lenses when they need a break.
  • ACUVUE® toric lenses are specifically designed to correct astigmatism.


1. Sulley A et al. What your patients don't know about astigmatism. BCLA Conference presentation 2012.