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Registration FAQs

When I register, I am being asked for my account number. Why?

Your account number allows us to know which practice you are associated with. It also provides more detailed information regarding your practice, such as ordering specific information.

Where can I find my account number?

If you currently don’t know your account number, you can look on your shipping invoice and it will be a 7-10 digit number or you can contact your sales representative. To open an ordering account, you can complete the downloadable form, or you can call Customer Service at 1-800-267-5098 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 7:00 pm EST.

Who is the site administrator for my practice?

The site administrator has access to all information on the site and approves staff as they link to your specific practice. There are three ways to become a site administrator.

  1. The Eye Care Professional that owns the account will always have site administration privileges
  2. If a staff member is the first to link to an account number, they will be provided site administration privileges
  3. Anyone can be provided site administration capabilities via the permission settings by a current site administrator